Who we are
We are an informal, ad hoc network of Green Party members who self-identify as revolutionaries. We want to build the Green Party into a functional, revolutionary eco-socialist political party that is serious about taking and exercising state power, and using it to help facilitate the end of capitalism and creation of an eco-socialist society.
By “eco-socialism,” we refer to a new economic and social system that we are working to build, based on:
- social ownership (not state ownership) of the instruments of production and exchange,
- production geared to meet human needs,
- all production decisions made democratically by the workers and affected communities themselves,
- all major social decisions made democratically by society as a whole,
- an end to patriarchy, racism, imperialism and all forms of oppression and top-down power and privilege, and
- all decision-making guided by the need to restore and maintain the health of our natural ecosystem.
We are committed to engaging in political discourse/debate toward this goal in a respectful, comradely manner.
What We Believe
We believe that capitalism — a system based on private ownership of the instruments of production and exchange, and the exploitation of wage labor — is the fundamental cause of poverty, privation, militarism and war, environmental devastation and most of the other crises confronting human society today. Capitalism is inherently racist, sexist, divisive and oppressive in its origins and in its operations.
We support the eco-socialism plank that was introduced into the Green Party platform in 2016, and support further identifying and branding the party as the party of eco-socialism. We want the Green Party to become a political expression of, and explicit advocate for, the broader movement for eco-socialism already rising in the U.S., sometimes under other names, such as the movement for a “solidarity economy” or “cooperative commonwealth.”
We can and do support immediate changes that can tangibly improve social, economic and environmental conditions while helping facilitate the revolutionary transformation for which we are striving. (Non-reformist reforms.) We want Greens to run for office, not as an end in itself, nor to operate the existing government “better,” but to gain state power for the purpose of dismantling capitalism and its corollaries (imperialism, militarism, racism, patriarchy), and empowering its successor institutions.
We believe the Green Party must be a mass-based party that is politically and financially independent, recognizing that political independence can look different from state to state, and even across local communities in the same state. We make a clear distinction between the leadership of the corporate parties (who are part of the problem), and their rank-and-file membership (who we want to convince to vote for and join the Green Party).
We believe Greens must engage in real political struggle in a respectful, comradely manner. We reject the dominator-style “with me or against me” tendency that exists within some circles.
Why We Are Self-Organizing This Group
We want to create a place where people can work together, and authentically struggle over ideas even as we build a friendly and loving community. We want to create an atmosphere where we can share ideas and experiences (What is working in your local and why? What isn’t working and why?)
We wish to deepen our understanding of what eco-socialism means, what forms it may take, and how to create it — both amongst ourselves and in the party as a whole. We want to engage in internal self-education about capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy/racism and imperialism, and how they are interconnected.
We want to improve our basic organizing skills and become better advocates for the society we wish to create.