We are an informal, ad hoc network of Green Party members who self-identify as revolutionaries. We want to build the Green Party into a functional, revolutionary eco-socialist political party that is serious about taking and exercising state power, and using it to help facilitate the end of capitalism and creation of an eco-socialist society.
By “eco-socialism,” we refer to a new economic and social system that
we are working to build, based on:
- social ownership (not state ownership) of the instruments of
production and exchange, - production geared to meet human needs,
- all production decisions made democratically by the workers and
affected communities themselves, - all major social decisions made democratically by society as a
whole, - an end to patriarchy, racism, imperialism and all forms of
oppression - and top-down power and privilege, and
- all decision-making guided by the need to restore and maintain the
health of our natural ecosystem.
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